
I’m Colin Yurcisin, the founder of
Colin Yurcisin Coaching and I’m here
to tell you, “You deserve more!”

It’s time to drop your vices, demolish the self-doubt and get to fucking work!
Because work is the only way you'll ever be able to achieve mental, physical, and emotional freedom.

Back to Basics

We need to establish positive habits that you will follow EVERY DAY of your life NO MATTER WHAT. Discipline = Freedom, PAIN = GROWTH and through your constructive daily habits we will be achieving ALL OF THIS.

Morning Routine

Wake up between 5-7 AM, your goal should be to beat the sun up! You can copy mine or take bits and pieces of it and make your own:

  • Hydrate
  • Stretch
  • Journal
  • Wim hof breathwork
  • Meditation/Prayer
Connect with source/universe/God

The reason why I love waking up early is because it's quiet. I can raise my frequency much easier because I have not let the outside world in yet. Instead, I can search within and listen for answers. This is where I receive downloads from God. My businesses, thoughts about picking up and moving to a new city, and life-changing downloads have all come during the first hour of my day in my morning routine.

Invest in yourself

We all have the same amount of hours in our day. How we utilize those hours is what determines our success. If you are focused on gossip, negative people, porn, bad habits, and drugs you're going to slowly but surely ruin your life. Fast pleasures tend to end abruptly and ugly. Instead, fill your hours with self-reinforcement, positivity, growth, and motivation.

Stack wins

We need to stack as many wins as possible as soon as you wake up so we can build positive momentum EARLY. This is as easy as making your bed, completing your morning routine, hitting your workout, etc.

I’ve created two coaching programs that will meet you wherever you're at right now and elevate you to the next level